For the gentle and environmentally friendly cleaning of all convertible tops!
Even small amounts of this special water-based Racoon cleaner are sufficient to remove the
most common dirt deep into the pores and also effortlessly! Fast, but thoroughly! The cleaner leaves no stains or streaks!
Available in a handy 500ml spray bottle.
Shake well before using!
Do not use on hot surfaces or under direct sunlight!
Test for material compatibility in a suitable, inconspicuous place!
We recommend wearing disposable gloves!
Using a dry brush, first thoroughly loosen and vacuum the coarse dirt in the direction of the fibres! Then spray the cleaner onto a damp sponge and wipe the surfaces clean.
For heavier soiling, use a soft natural brush in the direction of the fibres, then absorb the foam with a damp cloth and wipe clean..
Racoon’s Practical Tips:
After thorough cleaning of the soft top, it should also be sealed directly! Afterwards it can be cleaned with much less time and effort, because new dirt cannot adhere so fast and water simply rolls off! For this we recommend our special Racoon # CONVERTIBLE TOP PROTECT – Sealant! The invisible, colour-neutral and ultra-thin nano-protective layer effectively repels
water and dirt over a long period of time! But the tissue remains breathable!